I Need Help

Are you at risk or under threat of harm because:

  • Your family believes that you have done something against its ‘honour’, values or beliefs
  • Refusing a marriage?
  • You have made choices and decisions that are not acceptable within your family/community’s beliefs?
  • You do not want to follow your family’s beliefs and are worried or fearful of them finding out?
  • You are LGBTQ+ and that is not acceptable within your family/community’s beliefs?
  • Or are you unsure if you are at risk and would like to speak to someone confidentially about your concerns?

We will do all we can to help you

We will do all we can to help you, whatever your age, culture, sexuality, gender or ethnicity.

We understand the causes and effects of ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA), harmful practices – if you are unsure what these practices are, you can learn more here.

If you are unsure if you are at risk, download and read our individual referral pathway.

We are here to provide help, advocacy or simply advice. Everything you tell us will be completely confidential, and we will only break confidentiality if you or someone you know is at risk of harm.

If you contact us, we will listen and do all we can to ensure you are safeguarded and we will work with you to meet your required needs. We will always put your safety at the centre of our work.

You can contact our helpline 0800 107 0726 (10am – 4pm, Monday – Friday, excluding Bank Holidays).

If your risk is not immediate, click the relevant box below and complete the Savera UK online self-referral form, or call us on the helpline if you prefer to speak to someone. If you are worried about someone else, click here.

If you are at immediate risk please ring 999

If you have any problems with our online form, please contact us on [email protected]