1-1 Direct Intervention Service
Savera UK’s 1-1 Direct Intervention Team provides expertise and specialism in helping survivors and those at risk of ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA) and all harmful practices, as well as the professionals working with them.
The majority of our clients are women and we ensure they are provided a safe and protected environment. However, Savera UK 1-1 direct intervention is offered to anyone who is experiencing, or is at risk of HBA/harmful practices, regardless of gender, age, sexuality or ethnicity. This includes those who are men and people within the LGBT+ community.
You can find information on making a referral into our service by visiting our Professional Interventions page here.
Direct Interventions
- Safeguarding through completing Savera UK risk assessments
- Advocating on behalf of individuals affected by HBA and harmful practices,
- Providing HBA and harmful practices specialist advice to professionals in a range of settings (e.g. safeguarding strategy meetings, MARAC and professional meetings)
- Facilitating clients in leaving abusive environments alongside other services
- Savera UK national Helpline
Indirect Interventions
In cases where clients do not consent to referral to Savera UK and also when they are under the age of 16 years old, we provide HBA and harmful practices specialist advisory responses to professionals, so they can ensure they act and safeguard in the individual’s best interests, providing safety from further threats and risk.
Empowerment and Wellbeing Interventions
As part of our client in building their ‘Savera’ (new beginning’) we provide structured and unstructured programmes to our clients under our care, this is once all of their safeguarding is in place. It may include:
- Empowerment & Self-Independence Programme – to help them build their confidence and self-esteem
- Wellbeing & Welfare Activities – where we are able to provide practical intervention, and where they can come for a drink and a chat
- Financial Intervention – where clients may be eligible to financial assistance through our Smallwood Grant Fund to help survivors in their new-found independence
For a full summary of HBA and harmful practices and our services, please download our service summary PDF here.
For further information and resources on HBA and harmful practices, click the button below to visit the Savera UK Learning Hub.