International Women’s Day (8th March) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.
Savera UK safeguard those at risk of ‘honour’-based abuse, female genital mutilation, forced marriage and other harmful traditional practices. We are dedicated to raising awareness among professionals, young people and communities. We want to encourage everyone to speak out to break the silence on these hidden practices.
Here are 4 ways you can support us this International Women’s Day:
All money raised for Savera UK goes back into the service that provides vital one-to-one support to those at risk of harmful practices. For as little as £5, you could help to provide a new beginning, free from the risk of harmful practices.
A lot of the support that our service users need is for social isolation. Money raised allows us to go on trips with our service users and their families or provide self-care packages at home. It might be a visit to the beach, a cinema day or an online wellbeing course. Money raised helps to fund our women-only weekly coffee mornings and online drop-ins.
We are always recruiting volunteers to help at events, give peer support to our service users or you might have a specialist skill that you would like to offer to our service, such as childcare. Get in touch!
Speak out with us and join the fight to break the silence on harmful practices.
‘Honour’-based abuse and other harmful cultural traditions such as forced marriage, female genital mutilation and breast ironing are often hidden. People think “it couldn’t happen here”, while those at risk are isolated and feel that no one can help them.
We want to change that. We’re speaking out against these practices, raising awareness about the help available and campaigning to eradicate them forever. Use the hashtag #ImSpeakingOut and join our campaign.